WHO WELL is a short movie produced by Awonkeh Alfredo, directed by Levis klinsman. Does karma really exists? if so who does it choose to catch up with? the big criminals who kill ,steal,loot e.t.c or the kid who lies and cheats during a exam?

.Awonkeh Alfredo throws light on some of the ills in society , that occur like a cycle. The abuse of power ,trafficking,illegal businesses and more.

The story is centered around Adolf, husband to Saarah. Adolf is not only known for his pleasure in illegal affairs but also for his role in influencing others who become pawns and participants voluntarily and involuntarily in his dirty game.

With amazing actors such as Tim Yannick and Change Relindis one is compelled to expect nothing but the best. Beautiful soundtrack ,first class images and an overall positive vive that surrounds the movie.

Watch out for WHO WELL? coming soon. Be prepared to experience a different view on life as you know it.

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