
A lot has been going on lately about organizers asking money from artists before they could perform and showcase their arts.

I will like to use the case study below to make an assessment.

1st) An Established artist

An established artist in my context is some one with a huge fan base, some one who can cause people to turn up for events because of his/her name or influence.
If you are in this category then the even organizer will be counting on you for a successfull event.

Hence, the purpose of the publicity will be to inform the people that their favourite artist will be headlining the show. Now this is where the payment comes.
How can they measure the artists pay package ??Based on the amount of people the artist can pull?Probably!

If it is estimated that the artist can pull 1000people and sell out tickets for 1k each then that is 1m,the organizer will check his expenditure and from there he will know how to pay the artist.

2nd) Performer/Entertainer

There are artists who are really good at performing on stage but they dont have a single fan, artists who can light up any crowd at anytime. When budgeting for the front line artist, the organizer will allocate budget for such a person because he/she is usefull at one point but remember that without a ready made crowd the artist will be of no use since he can’t pull any person.

3rd) Your Regular Artist

No fan base, no performance energy, nobody knows you, nobody knows your song. Now when you see anyone complaining about organizers asking them for money, just know that the person falls under this category.

Hence the person is suppose to pay coz you are actually there to promote your self. Because even if the pull the crowd for this artist he won’t still make use of it. I think artists should know their worth,Know where you are coming from and where you are going to.

You can be popular in kumba but in buea nobody knows you, so do not expect same hospitality in both towns Coz in kumba you are a star while in Buea you are a fan.

Events are set out base on the influence of the artist/artists on board. The turn up is powered and influence by the artists on board. Publicity is just to inform the. people that their favourite artist/artists will be on board. Publicity is not to convince the people but its to inform them.

If otherwise you would have seen anybody or everybody frontlining a concert at paposy ..But they can’t, not because they lack the capital to set up a mega concert with huge publicity… Nooooo Its influence. They are not influencial enough.

Think Bout it!

You will bear with me that there are a lot of event’s whose publicity got to you but you never turn up because you doubted the artists. So I think artists should know exactly “why” they should be paid for a show, they should know “where” and “when”.

Do not follow the crowd
Know your worth
Rate your growth

I saw a post challenging upcoming artists to sell out just 100tickets for 1k each but no artist went for it though there are artists who can do it. yet there are others who cant influence even a single person.

Its a step by step process

Before you complain you should know your stand

My advice is: Be a crowd pulling artist
That will help you a lot