
Blessed is he that Giveth than the one that taketh! There is love in sharing!Givers never lack!!! I could go on and on but I’m sure u get my point.
Life is beautiful when we look out for each other…

Brun Njua Foundation Reaches Out

Some do it to impress the onlookers ,others for the love of God and cuz they have a burden for the orphans,needy and under priviledged . Our star girl Brun Njua, who happens to be an amazing actress, starring in Nigerian movies such as ” For the love of Money, Judge Rinder,Gold dust, Ikenga and many more!!

Started a foundation called the Brun Njua foundation,a while ago through which she gives back to the society as she offers assistance to Orphans ,the needy, the underprivileged etc in society ..she is pretty much recent times Mother Theresa!!!

Lately through her foundation members she paid a visit to St Glory’s Orphanage in Buea Bulu road.

St Glory Orphanage Buea SWR

St Glory Orphanage is situated in Buea ,South West Region, along the Bulu Road. It is owned and run by a woman who has a burden to put smiles on the face of others. It has about 28 kids from all over the country ranging from the ages of 2 – 17.

Mrs Rachel Toge, also offers shelter to the needy and internally displaced!( This crises na bastard). With the assistance of people with beautiful souls like Brun Njua she is able to feed ,clothe,provide shelter,as well as an education to these kids.


Back to our star girl… As I was saying,she blessed them with all kinds of articles as well as cash ,to help run the orphanage and give the kids hope that dreams do come true! Their happiness knew no boundaries as they couldn’t stop fidgeting in excitement as they were surrounded by gifts.

What else can we ask for in trying times like this, a kind word, a loaf of bread ,a bar of soap or a sweater for the cold! O e child cared for is one less kid on the street,one less frustrated human being, maybe a future professor or even president !

Who knows .the world is filled with so much hate!let’s keep sharing the love. The change starts with you and it starts now!!Thanks Brun Njua Foundation for bringing hope to the hopeless and lighting the light in the lives of these kids! God bless u