Paying homage is a common way to commemorate the death of someone important to you. Homage, in its many forms, is often a path to closure and moving forward. Still, the person you lost is forever a part of you, so parts of homage may continue long after a death.

There are so many ways to do that, but what is more common now is putting up their picture on your Face book page, Instagram or ,WhatsApp status and writing a few words for them or some people even go as far as singing a song for them.

People often ask why people are more celebrated in life than in death. Here’s what I think, when someone is alive, they go about their business and do what they have to do, truth is if they do something worth mentioning, it will be talked about.

If not, silence. But when they pass on to the afterlife all we have left of them is memories. Even if you were not close to them, or were close and hadn’t communicated in months you realize they are gone and gone forever.

Whatever you do, is like paying your last respects to someone who was present and is no more.

Paying Homage : R.I.P Kiloh

Carrying out this act is personal. I might not know you in life , but hearing about you in death saddens me and if I feel you deserve a good bye salute , that doesn’t make me a hypocrite, it is my choice.

People might not know the good deeds you have done in your life, but when you are no more, the people close to you will sing your story in memory of what they knew and loved you for, tales of your achievements and journey.

It is actually all they have left of you. It is another way to grieve.

I never knew Wasizi personally, but when I heard about his demise I put up a picture said a few words and joined his loved ones to mourn the departure of a fellow compatriot.

The fact that you don’t see someone trend on peoples timeline doesn’t mean they are not encouraging them in one way or the other. You do not know what goes on behind the scenes.

Let’s be quick to understand and slow to judge. We all have different paths. Death is a journey we all would undertake someday. Let’s stop existing and start living. Live every moment like it was your last.

On this note I say “farewell Kiloh may your soul R.I.P!

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