Paying homage is a common way to commemorate the death of someone important to you. Homage, in its many forms, is often a path to closure and moving forward. Still, the person you lost is forever a part of you, so parts of homage may continue long after a death.

There are so many ways to do that, but what is more common now is putting up their picture on your Face book page, Instagram or ,WhatsApp status and writing a few words for them or some people even go as far as singing a song for them.

People often ask why people are more celebrated in life than in death. Here’s what I think, when someone is alive, they go about their business and do what they have to do, truth is if they do something worth mentioning, it will be talked about.

If not, silence. But when they pass on to the afterlife all we have left of them is memories. Even if you were not close to them, or were close and hadn’t communicated in months you realize they are gone and gone forever.

Whatever you do, is like paying your last respects to someone who was present and is no more.

Paying Homage : R.I.P Kiloh

Carrying out this act is personal. I might not know you in life , but hearing about you in death saddens me and if I feel you deserve a good bye salute , that doesn’t make me a hypocrite, it is my choice.

People might not know the good deeds you have done in your life, but when you are no more, the people close to you will sing your story in memory of what they knew and loved you for, tales of your achievements and journey.

It is actually all they have left of you. It is another way to grieve.

I never knew Wasizi personally, but when I heard about his demise I put up a picture said a few words and joined his loved ones to mourn the departure of a fellow compatriot.

The fact that you don’t see someone trend on peoples timeline doesn’t mean they are not encouraging them in one way or the other. You do not know what goes on behind the scenes.

Let’s be quick to understand and slow to judge. We all have different paths. Death is a journey we all would undertake someday. Let’s stop existing and start living. Live every moment like it was your last.

On this note I say “farewell Kiloh may your soul R.I.P!

A couple of days ago Wax Dey was seen in a picture with the Minister of Culture and there were rumors about that visit being related to the bill that was passed about 2 weeks ago that caused the Cameroonian entertainment industry to panic…

It turns out the rumors are true,Wax Dey arranged a meeting with the Minister of Arts and Culture to discuss that new bill! The meet was made possible but this time he didn’t go alone.

He was accompanied by other artists such as – Dynastie le Tigre, Duc-Z, Chilli Wawaye, Chi Chi Ladislav, Divine Verjika, Tino Foy, accompanied by Barrister Tezo Abanda e.c.t.

Adeline Mbenkum played a part to make this possible, not leaving out Salatiel who has been working in the background as well to facilitate the larger process.


The aforementioned had as sole purpose to speak with the Minister of Arts and Culture, Hon. Pierre Ismaël Bidoung Kpwatt and his team about the new law on artistic and cultural associations.

This meeting was not definitive – it is only the beginning of a process of consultation with the Ministry of Arts and Culture to make sure that ,artists get the best deal possible for their art.

Most especially future generations , who do not deserve to go through what the artists past and present have been through.

So there was a call on other artists to join them as they embark on the process.

 It’s official, Akon has his own city in Senegal.Known as “Akon City,” the rapper and entrepreneur tweeted that he had finalized the agreement for the new city.”Looking forward to hosting you there in the future,” his tweet read.

Akon, who is Senegalese born , originally announced plans for the futuristic “Crypto city” in 2018 saying that the city would be built on a 2,000-acre land given to him by the President of Senegal, Macky Sall.

The new city would also trade exclusively in his own digital cash currency called AKoin! The city would be a five-minute drive from the West African state’s new international airport.

Akon is working together with co founders , Karas and Lynn Liss,to help Africans level up with other global powers on the crypto currency playground.

This superstar had an unpleasant experience in regards to changing his local currency to Euros, on one of his visits to a European country, that was when it hit him,and Akoin Crypto currrency was born!

‘I really want to make the biggest impact in Africa’

Akon was born in Senegal before moving to Union City, New Jersey, at 7, according to his website. Known for songs like “Locked Up,” “Lonely” and “Oh Africa,” the Grammy-nominated rapper is more recognized as an entrepreneur than a musician these days.

He is involved in Charity Humanitarian activities . Always trying to buld or give to those who dont have. Plus he is really giving back by re investing in Africa.

His most recent venture is Akon Lighting Africa which is providing solar power to African countries.”I really want to make the biggest impact in Africa for sure,” Akon said during a 2013 interview with CNN. “If I could have my way, Africa would be the United States of Africa.”

This makes me wanna cry. Guess its the dream of every African , to have a place they are proud to call home. Good hospitals , schools, Hotels etc.

well good job Akon , hope others follow suit, together we can reveal Africa`s greatness and make it even better!

Dr Naezee; The General returns! Ladies and Gentlemen allow me refresh your memory, by re introducing to u the one and only…Drumroll please!!!!!! Dr Naezee! Round of applause people!

This gentleman (yes he is) is an amazing rapper/songwriter based in Douala! …. ehhhm how about we fast forward things a lil….

The General is not new in the game! Yup…he has been around for a long time! Doing things on the low..

Like the time he did a couple of songs with his crew back in Ndop, named “the Outsiders Klan.

He actually went solo in 2017 with the songs “man Na membre”, Sexy Ferrari, the boy nodi panic and Senorita.

The Journey

The economy hasn’t been the best since forever and truth is the General had his fair share of moments where it was difficult to handle certain things especially the music production process!

So he needed extra hustle to survive, thus slowing down on his music career, engaging himself in multiple money generating ventures ,keeping it low key ,while still working on something amazing.

E enter some wild shock for trusting and working with the wrong people but, as usual came out on top bigger and better.

Dr Naezee: The General Returns!

His welcome gift to the world is the Lyrical exercises 1! Meant to thrill and entertain his fans and supporters.

It is a series of rap freestyle which is a blend of English, pidgin, and the Jamaican Creole (luv this one). All meant to showcase his lyrical prowess and equally bring back the real hard core hip hop flavour we use to vibe to back in the day! Damn old school rocks!

If you feel me say yeah yeah!!!

Vacation time is over, Dr Naezee: the General returns! This is no time to roll over, he’s going to set the record straight! Shine your eye!!!! ��{

Congratulations to the Ministry of Arts and Culture. It is amazing to see how thoughtful people suddenly becomes when it concerns a situation beneficial to them.

I was intrigued when i heard about the Laws passed by the ministry of Arts and Culture, given that they have never really helped anyone in or related to that sector siiiince i realized there was such a sector!

Then without warning baaaaam! they are concerned with the functioning of the ministry ,trying to regulate stuff here and there, everything needing the approval of the government to operate ! Bullshit!!

How does all these benefit the Entertainment Industry. As if things have not been hard enough! How do you even pass laws that practically handicap your progress.

I expected to see a law prohibiting the playing of foreign music in bars restaurants etc.not laws that have nothing to benefit their Art.

Below is the explanation given for the laws passed. hmmm wuna epp me checkam or na me i no sabi big book!

The Supposed Reason for The Bills passed by our Gofmen!!!

According to the report by Elvis Teke of CRTV, two bills have been tabled at the National Assembly aimed at modifying and improving upon the functioning of cultural and artistic associations in the country.

The bills draft bills modify and supplement certain dispositions of Law No 90/53 of 19 December 1990 relating to the freedom of association.

It seeks to give a special mode of functioning of artistic and cultural associations, and give government the opportunity to explore the vast potential of the arts and culture sector in Cameroon.

The law will not only provide a legal platform for associations to function but will equally give that freedom to the sector to boom.

The law gives power to regulate all cultural and artistic groups as well as provide a scope of functioning which must be strictly respected.

According to parts of the draft : “Any national or foreign association which wishes to reach the statute of cultural and artistic association, must obtain beforehand, an approval of the ministry in charge of Arts and Culture”.

If adopted, stakeholders say the law will blow a new wind of professionalism as well as mark a new turnaround in the cultural milieu.

Wait oh! There`s More!! wow!Congratulations to the Ministry of Arts and Culture!

The bill seeks to organize specific management methods for artistic and cultural associations.

According to the bill, “Political Parties, Trade Unions, Sports associates, nongovernmental organization as well as artistic and cultural associations shall be managed by separate instruments.”

Minister Paul Atanga Nji explained that bill seeks to unlock the huge potential of the arts and culture sectors in order to foster development of cultural enterprises and industries that will create wealth and jobs.


Bill to amend and supplement some provisions of the law of freedom of associations paved the way for the drafting of another bill to regulate Artistic and Cultural Associations in Cameroon.

It defended at the Cultural Affairs Committee at the National Assembly by the Minister of Arts and Culture, Bidoung Mpkatt.

He explained that bill seeks to professionalize the arts and culture sector and revitalize the artistic and cultural movement in the country. It will also professionalize the sector in a bid to create jobs and wealth.

Under the bill, Artistic and cultural associations including companies, Union, Guilds and Federations will be placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Arts and Culture.

The associations will be formed and managed freely in accordance to the law. The Ministry also gives approval to national and foreign association wishing to function as Artistic and Cultural associations.

Award Ceremony

The Minister noted emphatically that only one Federation will exit for any particular type of Artistic and Cultural Associations.

If i tell u say i understand anytin ehhh! Hahaahahaha womei! i see a bunch of senseless explanations! weda u turn am upside down, no way. Itaf pass ma power!

But it seems they deserve some accolades for a job well done afterall! So beautiful people ..ARE U READY!!!

Award of Comedian of The year goes to TMOAAC …round of applause people! abeg wuna nack hand for them ,e no easy to make a whole country laf oh!!!

The rumor is true: Nguea Laroute is dead. it is with a sad heart that we mourn the makossa icon, who had been ill for a while! She had been suffering from diabetes which led to the amputation of her legs.

Nguea Laroute: faded too soon

Love me Now!!!!Don`t wait till i`m gone, don`t bring flowers to my grave ,buy drinks, pay contribution or tell everyone how nice i was!

Life is a mystery, nobody has it figured out.. If we had to choose when and how to die ,I’m sure many people would want something glamorous ,grand and beautiful.

But life get as e be…People tend to celebrate the dead more than they do the living. I’ve attended a couple of funerals, and people always have a good thing to say about the dead … Some say it’s respect for the dead …that kana respect so…

It was hard to believe that the long whispered rumour is true, Nguea Laroute (may her soul R.I.P) is dead. Mama Nguea made waves in the music world..she had her unique style and vibe..She was loved by many… She encountered her demise when her health started failing…

When I saw the videos where she asked for help it was sad…He was in very bad shape. I felt bad.. She didn’t really get the help she needed and she passed on…

I don’t know if the government knew about it or the people best placed to help saw those videos..but she went out in a sad way.

What Next

It’s been less than 2 weeks and it’s almost as if she is forgotten… Is it Corona, are people too busy to pay their last respects? What’s really happening…Makes me wonder what life is all about. So frail , so meaningless…

One minute you are here and the next…pouff! gone with the wind! what next! yet we waste precious time hating ,envying trying to kill each other . All for what??

Fame, Game, Wealth? We could accomplish so much if we come together, put our differences aside and be there for each other. cuz once you are gone , its game over!

Love me when I have life , don’t hype me when I have no breath left in me ,or my lifeless body is being lowered into the ground… Love me now!

Adieu Mama Nguea

King Kong 4 life! He is definitely singing Hallelujah Hosanna right now! Samsung chose our very own Stanley Enow as their New Brand ambassador to Cameroon!

This deal was sealed in their office in Douala! . This is not his first endorsement deal people , he previously got an endorsement deal from BICEC , truth is, every achievement deserves a pat on the back! way to go King Kong!

Keep making us proud!Congratulations your Highness