KCmedia Promo, provides tips on how to stay healthy, Different ways to detox, Covid 19 preventive method, How to get a flat tummy in no time among others.

Good health is wealth,which is why we should be careful about what we consume! whwat if i tell you ,you can consume juice sweet flavor very refreshing but no side effects! lol don`t be so shocked ,of course i`m talking about Hibis Juice

Product description.
Hibis juicy is an extract from fine selected hibiscus flowers. The gorgeous deep pink hue produced, is hard to beat, making it irresistible. Hibiscus the major ingredient of this natural drink is known and loved for its numerous health advantages such as

preventing hypertension

lower blood pressure

reduce blood sugar levels

keep the liver healthy

helps with menstrual cramps

helps with depression

aid digestion and weight management etc.

The second major ingredient is baobab. This is another natural drink loved by many and consumed mostly in the northern parts of Cameroon.

But like folere, skepticism on sources of water and preservative methods, as well as the destruction of key fibres, many shy from consuming these natural germ. So hibis sarl is coming in to process the product meticulously,using the right format, in a neat environment so as to satisfy consumer’s skepticisms, and to safeguard nutrients needed in the human body.
The third major ingredient is pineapple which comes with it’s flavor and natural sweetness with an abundance in vitamin C and other health composumes.

Well there is so much to this product than meets the eye, Beautiful packaging,sweet savoring taste which happens to be refreshing! why not make Hibis Juice a part of your daily menu? you wont regret it!!

Rise and shine beautiful people! i cant imagine how hard it must be having to respect confinement rules, staying home(eating gaining calories) or practice social distancing and being unable to go to the gym.

It must be scary feeling the calories add up,but no way to burn them!

What are you gonna do?cry? give up? naaaah! you are a fighter and there`s something you can do about it!

How does the idea of a great dream body sound! Hi hi hi yeah!!

Coach Celeste can make this happen!!! if you cant come to him well he can come to you! plus he has modules that let you workout from home under his surveillance ! how cool is that! Dream Body Fitness good on the inside even better on the outside !

Easy peasy!!#gymplug#Pierre Celeste,

Fear, usually causes a lot of damage before the actual situation on ground. I got so scared to leave the house until about 2 days ago when my Garri finished and I had to crawl to the store…ele hungryyy! Womei I cld barely see anything!

People are beginning to realize that this nightmare just got real. I can’t thank enough, all those who in one way or the other are doing what they can in their own way to sensitize the public on what is going on. Be it through songs and poems, write ups and short videos…thank you guys so much!

I also noticed a lot of give aways. The Nigerian artist Runtown gave away 10milli to help people get thru this phase! Big ups to that. I know with that action some people are staring at our brothers and sisters like” na ya fellow artist that…” with noses in the air and lopsided sarcastic smiles on their faces.

De uno, there’s levels and there’s levels, secundo there’s packaging, virtual reality and there’s well reality, treizo…there’s the Santa Claus pipo.. those who give but wanna stay anonymous…

So before you go ahead to judge or be mad at anyone ( which u shouldn’t because u should be minding your bizness) ask yourself `what have i done\contributed? if you really know it all!or have done anything to help!

All I know is there’s never enough warnings or advice or assistance that could go out during this trying times. Do the best you can… be it to your forefathers, God,Allah,Buddha…PRAY!and remember!

Preventive Measures

  • Stay safe stay home!( don’t ask me if I’ll feed u,don’t ask me if I’m crazy,don’t ask me if that will make the virus go away) We already know the drill people!
  • wash ya hands die(as in all the time!!)
  • wear ya mask ( keep it clean or dispose it at tge end of the day)but be sure not to touch it alot as u might infect it, then u krkkk (neck breaking meaning ..dying)
  • no sneeze anyhow.. use tissue (throw immediately after) or sneeze into ur elbow crux ( don’t ask..I d mean that middru place for ya elbow)
  • if u feel sick,catarrh , cough,fever, difficulty in breathing(even if na heartbreak tension) just carry yaself go hospito biko…no try self medication I beg u…because I d see all kind cure for sohchah midia!!!
  • if u must go out do not shake hands, avoid crowded spaces as much as u can..when u come back shower and scrub every inch of ya bodies
  • lack of activities can make u want to try something… the fear of Coro is the beginning of abstinence..hihihi (again not my call lol) Patoranking was right..”no kissing babe, no touching babe”lol
  • well just do what u gotta do..u already know the drill
    Better be safe than sorry!!!
    I luv you guys …please be safe!!
    Keep listening to good music and…see u soon!





Together We will get Through This!!!

Adieu Grand Manu

Mehhhnnn I’ve been heartbroken since I heard of Grand Manu’s death… of course we were friends ( please don’t ask me how I’m mourning) I would listen to him talk to me thru his songs and let my soul be carried away….

Growing up it was rumored that he was so successful cuz he gave his hair in echange for his success!!reason y he had bullzero all the time!so my friends and I had a meeting as we deliberated what we would give in exchange for success if we were asked. If u r wondering what I chose…ehhhhm my littlest toe😅

Covid19 Conspiracy Theories!

Like a majority of people I feel guilty,guilty that I underestimated the magnitude of this plague! I look around me and all I hear is prophecy,conspiracy theories, social media statistics ( this suchah midia wih kih us before the virus does !womei! …

Some think it’s the end of the world ( punishment from God, others think it’s an attempt at taking over world economy… what I think….hmmmmm whatever the reason …people are dying in millions and the suffering is practically unbearable.

Being confined is driving people crazy… people argue more, parents are frustrated having the kids home all the time,the kids wanna go out and play, even side chick’s are in chaumencam right now!

The truth is maybe this is a wake up call…so we take our heads out of our asses and look at the world around us! Take a breather and admire each other, enjoy each others company,have a rethink if u are doing the right thing…

what If u died right now…what are the regrets you will have…pick up your phone…call your mum, dad, siblings, besties…. bond,love more, what ever your religion is..pray more…

Take out time ..learn a skill, watch a movie ,write a song or a movie script etc don’t get depressed …make lemonade out of this lemon!

I can’t repeat myself enough when I say Stay safe stay home!( don’t ask me if I’ll feed u,don’t ask me if I’m crazy,don’t ask me if that will make the virus go away) We already know the drill people!

Preventive Methods

  • wash ya hands die
  • wear ya mask but be sure not to touch it alot as u might infect it, then u krkkk (neck breaking meaning ..dying)
  • no sneeze anyhow.. use tissue (throw immediately after) or sneeze into ur elbow crux ( don’t ask..I d mean that middru place for ya elbow)
  • if u feel sick,catarrh , cough,fever, difficulty in breathing(even if na heartbreak tension) just carry yaself go hospito biko…no try self medication I beg u…because I d see all kind cure for sohchah midia!!!
  • if u must go out do not shake hands, avoid crowded spaces as much as u can..when u come back shower and scrub every inch of ya bodies
  • lack of activities can make u want to try something… the fear of Coro is the beginning of abstinence..hihihi (again not my call lol) Patoranking was right..”no kissing babe, no touching babe”lol
  • well just do what u gotta do..u already know!
  • Don’t die cuz of carelessness…dont wait till someone around u dies…better be safe than sorry!! Ur call! I hope u make the right choice tho!

Stay home, stay safe

Aurevoir Grand Manu