scandals,clap backs,confrontations,beefings,fake gist, KCmedia Promo brings you the gory and juicy details of those things that are not meant to be seen!

Trailers refer to short previews of a piece of content, such as a movie trailer, which demonstrates scenes and the general plot and mood of a piece of media, in order to garner interest.

If i understood correctly it means the trailer is suppose to spark up interest in the clip and make me want to watch it.

While movies have trailers ,music goes with teasers, get it? TEASE! as in attract me,catch my attention, which seems to be trending more in the music industry now more than ever.

Issa good thing though for those who know why they are using it.

Sadly most music video editors miss the point when trying to create one. I repeat , the whole point of a teaser is to garner interest. But sometimes we see music teasers that look more like one kind scene from one kind movie , or something laidat.

If some blind man be d pass e for feel say na action film want start! Ashwerugot!

If we have to go by movie trailer rules and standards …hmmmm it should be something that has the following points

  • Captivating
  • revealing some intriguing and beautiful parts of the video ( that kind part way person fall or jump hug , or box person..that kind tin}
  • it should be short ( Music video dem fez short u don’t want to reveal too much)
  • Sound ( hmm na fez music clip so ehmmm than for use that kind film sound way dem d use introduce shebang , better use the music sef sef)

Remember ,the teaser is meant to catch the attention of those watching it ,to make them anticipate the full video , and watch it when it drops!

so are you doing it the right way or are you following the crowd ( cuz teknically ehh u no mustu do am sef, than for go loss pipo jones for ya video)

well check out this piece below and tell me what you think! Leave a comment!

Memories are the the only evidence that something ever happened or existed ,whether virtual or real. It is the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.

We often act in the heat of the moment ,enjoying the hailing and the praise ,forgetting tomorrow.

The harshness of reality has turned the world into a scavenger hunt.

Like vultures we await the demise of one another ,ready to feed on the carcass and get likes or comments or whatever it is we are searching for.

To live beyond existing, to stay relevant with the times ,to not be forgotten we engage in activities that defy our very own principles and ideologies.

Yes rules are meant to be broken,you have to think outta the box, but the problem is how?

Whats the plan?

People use nudity ,death ,sexuality, relationship scandals and drama and even willingly expose personal issues for sympathy ,likes ,followers and fans, to the ever ready insatiable crowd who would not be entertained if it is not centered around pain and misfortune.

Truth is after the scandal blows off what next. would you keep creating scandals to survive and stay relevant?is that what you really want to be remembered for ?

What about your art? your pictures,articles ,movie ,music? do your fans not deserve to see you work hard and smart by providing the kind of content that bonded them to you?

Memories, may seem insignificant,never underestimate its power!

Memories Last Forever

What digital trail are we leaving. The world is way bigger and doesn’t evolve around than social media remember?

Not giving a f*** is one of the ways to grow a thick skin but what is the cost. Money ,brief fame?a following? what???

Deep down we all care and would want to be remembered for so much more than just boobs , ass, who you slept with,got pregnant for or stole from.

The stories we write ,the pictures we upload wont disappear over time, our kids and grand kids will stumble upon them, our wives and husbands ,people we love. do you mind? would you be proud?

Be beautiful, be you

We are beautiful smart and gifted ,how about exploring that gold mine ,and let people who love good things find you and stick with you forever.

The real you is good enough, no need hang on to fake and negative glory. Leave a positive footprint!

You have all it takes. Be you ,make a positive impact , give someone a reason to fall inlove, do music ,write,dance , do that one thing they love but are afraid to try!

Be the best you ,u can be!

Wedding Bells Love in The Air Cameroonian female striker Jacquette Ada finds love in the arms of French National Jean Francois.
Their love story was signed and sealed on the 4th of July 2020.

This news was music to my ears after rumour had it that, most, if not all the lionesses were lesbians!

Weda na true oh or na like oh , this particular striker happens to be straight and e don shoot e shot! Guess it is safe to say we can patiently await the goal!!!

Happy married life Jacquette you are now representing your country at the international love level! Make us proud!!

Wedding Bells Love in the Air

Oh how i love me some happy endings! Makes me wanna cry!(snif snif, blowing my nose)

Love :Sparx The Virus Yup That`s who imma be talking about. Love is a beautiful thing! He who finds a wife finds a good thing!He asked and she said I Do! Emotional moments became beautiful memories.

It is not everyday you get to settle with the woman of your dreams! That one person who completes u,who understands you. That one person who sees through your smile ,who will stand by you,fight for you and even give up their life for you.

Lucky enough this two love birds are blessed to have found each other. She happens to be the Bonnie to his Clyde, the Ying to his Yang and he made an honest woman out of her in front of their village pipo, the law ,the church ,with over a thousand witnesses.
Now they thank God for a year well spent! Given that their love only grows by the minute! Their anniversary comes with many surprises !

He even wrote a song for her awwwww isn’t that sweet! They’ll be having a celebration which comes with the release of his new song (which he wrote for the love of his life) , a badass come back into the entertainment industry and well other surprises I can’t tell u about for now! So be on the lookout for Sparx The Virus

A baby shower is a party of gift-giving or a ceremony that has different names in different cultures. It celebrates the delivery or expected birth of a child or the transformation of a woman into a mother.

The term shower is often assumed to mean that the expectant mother is “showered” with gifts. Most of which are for both mother and child ,such as diapers, bottled water, omo and savon etc

Baby Shower has become a thing in the Cameroonian community lately. It is kinda different from our African Born House which happens after the baby is born.

There is a huge celebration, food drinks cultural dance and giving of gifts.

I think in essence we copied a tradition from the Western world which is so beautiful but are not following it to the latter. Ive attended a few Baby showers myself .

People come empty handed oh!(Which defeats the whole point) lol Still eat and drink tho! lol e d happen too for our own born house dem sef ! lol)

These days its about documenting one`s pregnancy on beautiful photos and videos and partying,which is not a bad thing oh!

Except ya village people don`t use the internet! or you serve a living God!lol

The beautiful part is after all is said and done i hope we still get to maintain our born house tradition, cuz if u cancel that , then you are forgetting who you are and where you come from!

That is like the official introduction and welcoming of the child to the rest of the world ,and trust me that is a big deal!

While we adopt new policies in order to polish, refine and make our lives better ,lets stay close to our roots , they are the only thing keeping us stable in this crazily rotating world!

All d tok sef so eh , be be na for teh wuna say we don know say Blanche Bailey a.k.a Queen Mimba, go born na Boy pickin! we spy na for baby shower nor ey ey u d checkam na ha!

i guess congrats are in order ! cant wait to welcome the lil prince!

It is said the beauty of the world lies in the diverity of its people! Thats why Cameroon is called Africa Miniature!so many diffre t tribes with diferent cultures! Impossible to enjoy just one!mekde! And that is what makes us unique and amazing ..our differences when we come together!

So lately it’s been all about getting credit for the originality of afro njang! Apparently people seem to loose focus and sight of what is really happening around us! Eske the matter sef na who start am!

Anything is hardly original ehhh if u check am fine..we d just take some existing tin twist,turn,cut,add,subtract e.t.c to come up with something cool.During his interview on Decoded TV Magasco states that he was pissed off when one fan applauded him for coming up with Afro Njang and another shunned him saying Magasco has nothing to do with that…

He says he is not claiming to be the author but to think he has no contribution to afro njang is very insulting given that his songs from way back as 2011 all have the fusion of Afro and Njang! Dah juh all!

Truth is the matter sef weak me! It doesnt matter who came up with what , as Blackstyle Media says all we want is good music …na fez good music make show yoh say e go sign Mr Leo when Brenda wash yi!!

OK oh! So let’s keep putting in the work and forget about trival issues that would not epp us ! Weda na njang rap oh , afro bikutsi oh, monikim pop oh ..if e sweet we cut balater point final! I Don taya for solve this matter …make I go dance small..check out his new video.

Lately an amazing blogger Fabz Chi of KesaMag wrote an article on one of our most talented artist Mr Leo ,in regards to his choice to Leave Alpha Better records.Wherein he talked about the fact that Leo seems to be missing in action, cares less about branding,not putting in enough work, line the work,saying he needs to do more for his fans…

Apparently Leo was not too happy with his assessment and responded! And this blogger responded back too oh!! Fabz Chi I sure say you d read scripture for Sunday service ! Ehn mbaleeh! Coman see answer!!

For me oh..i just think we all need to take a chill pill and relax…first off bloggers are not gods or anything laidat , they simply access a situation and give their personal opinion,key word PERSONAL!! .na ya choice to take am or livam or ignoram! nobi tin for vex biko.

Dear bloggers sometimes its not easy to know the reality on ground except what we get on So-cha midia..u fit even interview person and for personal reasons e go juh smile and tell u what he wants ..they say tin way u no know dark pass night .

So let’s not be quick to jump to conclusions while keeping in mind the fact that we have to be very objective in our writing and try to put ourselves in the individuals shoes!! But always keep it real though!I Don Taya me sep siiiiince na the matter we still dey d settle so!! Lemme come and be going ..meanwhile this Leo e new song ehhhh … go check it out for yaself…sweet oh!!

When will Tilla Tafari stop fighting Jovi?? Just thinking out loud oh!

We all know that Tilla was once a NewBell Music artist and she was doing well. But due to reasons still unclear to us, she left the label and ever since that happened she has never say anything good about Jovi.

Tilla made a playlist she called Tilla’s Place list and none of Jovi’s song was among and when a fan asked of Jovi…She said “I no longer listen to his music”.
But will that really change anything?The industry is too small for all these gragra.Everyone should just kiss and make up already!

She was doing well at New Bell .But ever since the separation what can she really show for it?
If Jovi was indeed her problem then should have been doing pretty well or even better ever since she left .

It’s been a long while now. and she keeps saying she is doing fine and nothing can stop her from making it big!

We trust her talent and expect more work from her, more projects, more results .Plus ,we need to also write her success story away from New Bell Music!

Well while we wait We wish her all the best.
Tilla the godmother

Ever Since her mega colab with the King Kong and her afrima award things, things seem to have come to a stand still when it comes to our star girl Montess also known as Queen kong.
She has been releasing sweet singles and projects but it is not getting the kind of attention it should be getting… or na ma eye???
She nova trend, bloggers/promoters are not falling over themselves to talk about her or her label. All tin juh stand
Or as e be win lottery so
E no bi wa artist again ??
Or na that small beef weh e be get with others after her afrima award fit be the problem ??
Wety wuna check ??

Lately in my quest to bring hidden talent to the light I’ve had to ask myself a few questions. .such as..why would an amazing artist not shine (blow) as it is commonly called, or find themselves amongst the A-list artist as should be…

We hear about them for a while and like the ashes of burnt wood, they disappear into thin air! What is happening?

A couple of days ago I listened to a beautiful new song by M- Pro …yup! In just 5days he had 5k views and about 400 likes…(organic or inorganic oh that`s not the main focus here ,fez wait ! lol ).

Not only is he signed to one of the biggest record Labels in the country ( Stevens Music) but he is extremely good and amazing at what he what is the problem..

why is he not in the limelight like other members of this record Label? By that I mean Daphne for example.Okay let’s look at this …this young and talented guy is doing everything he should .

He sings in French,English,Pidgin English and even lingala (lol not too sure about the latter tho), he has been to various TV and radio stations , he has been blogged about

If you look at views the lowest views he has on YouTube is 11k views…How does someone with such exposure still dwell in the shadows????

From 2years ago when he dropped #Showbiz with 58k views, to Didong with 24k views, to #Dance with 54k views… to last year when he dropped #Gâté with 33k views.

Specially with 28k views, his lyrical video with Daphne #Rambo, his song with Dj Sangokou , and finally his latest hit #Chaud that has 5k views in just 5days!!!

Do u mind helping me do the math!please! This right here seems like a star to me people…so why e nodi shine??

Vocal cords ✅
Video quality ✅
Publicity ✅

He is just one amongst many! How about we give it a thought and find out what the problem really it his production house? Are they not doing enough? Is it his fan base? Or is it the distribution channel ?.

As a wise man once said ` no look ya time for different man e clock` the pieces of the puzzle will sure fall in place in due time, Keep up the good work bro!