Memories are the the only evidence that something ever happened or existed ,whether virtual or real. It is the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.

We often act in the heat of the moment ,enjoying the hailing and the praise ,forgetting tomorrow.

The harshness of reality has turned the world into a scavenger hunt.

Like vultures we await the demise of one another ,ready to feed on the carcass and get likes or comments or whatever it is we are searching for.

To live beyond existing, to stay relevant with the times ,to not be forgotten we engage in activities that defy our very own principles and ideologies.

Yes rules are meant to be broken,you have to think outta the box, but the problem is how?

Whats the plan?

People use nudity ,death ,sexuality, relationship scandals and drama and even willingly expose personal issues for sympathy ,likes ,followers and fans, to the ever ready insatiable crowd who would not be entertained if it is not centered around pain and misfortune.

Truth is after the scandal blows off what next. would you keep creating scandals to survive and stay relevant?is that what you really want to be remembered for ?

What about your art? your pictures,articles ,movie ,music? do your fans not deserve to see you work hard and smart by providing the kind of content that bonded them to you?

Memories, may seem insignificant,never underestimate its power!

Memories Last Forever

What digital trail are we leaving. The world is way bigger and doesn’t evolve around than social media remember?

Not giving a f*** is one of the ways to grow a thick skin but what is the cost. Money ,brief fame?a following? what???

Deep down we all care and would want to be remembered for so much more than just boobs , ass, who you slept with,got pregnant for or stole from.

The stories we write ,the pictures we upload wont disappear over time, our kids and grand kids will stumble upon them, our wives and husbands ,people we love. do you mind? would you be proud?

Be beautiful, be you

We are beautiful smart and gifted ,how about exploring that gold mine ,and let people who love good things find you and stick with you forever.

The real you is good enough, no need hang on to fake and negative glory. Leave a positive footprint!

You have all it takes. Be you ,make a positive impact , give someone a reason to fall inlove, do music ,write,dance , do that one thing they love but are afraid to try!

Be the best you ,u can be!

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