This is Reality: JR

No matter how young you are ,when life hits you,it changes you, transforms, reforms or destroys you.This young man ,has a whole story to tell when it comes to his life experiences,which is part of his drive ,the reason why he does what he does.

Jr a reality rap artist from the North West Region, was born as Niba Ambe JR.He started music in 2017 with Where Dem dey as his first track. His environment turned out to be not so conducive for him,made it hard for him to express himself.

Being a lover of music and the smart ass that he is he realized rap music gave him just the opportunity he needed to freely express himself about the things going on that he didn’t like, about his personal pain and frustrating at the blows life kept dealing him.

If you’ve stayed in the village then this will not sound so strange to you.

JR :Bearer of Truth…The Journey

There’s this thing where under the full moon or starry sky kids gather around and listen to folktales told by an elder ,it sometimes involves music and dance as it tells the adventures of our forefathers and their fight for survival…

JR grew up around this happenings and it inspired him to tell his tale in same manner but this time around with dope beats and through rap! I mean isn’t that what rap culture is all about self expression?

Well that’s just my opinion!Oh and he is good at it too. He started attending shows and concerts one of which was held at the prestigious Blue Pearl Hotel in Bamenda!One of his hardest challenges was finding a studio where he could work and grow his career.

On the Side

E no easy for person way d huzzu to get that oh! But he didn’t give up ..He is a born fighter …just so u know!

Dude never quits!He has a heart of gold, when he isn’t focusing on his career he is always trying to help someone, seems he might have future projects in that domain ,when the cheddar starts rolling it!

He also has a thing for art as in he loves painting! I believe he has a couple of pieces… in his closet!private gallery, big boyz tinz!

As we speak he is signed to Fondom Entertainment and is working on his E.P

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