Issa Double Celebration!

Happy World Music day! and Happy Fathers day! this goes to to my amazing dad and all the dads out there!!!

It’s hard to recognize what they do , but they are the reason you have a roof over your head ,food on the table ,clothes on your back and even a happy home…

Fathers may be absent for a while, but their love is unshakable!!!

Secondly, being a father isn’t determined by sperm or DNA… it’s about being reliable accountable dependable!

Protecting and loving your family and those you care about, making sure they are ok….

To all the true Father’s out there I say thanks for holding down the forte! We love and appreciate you!!!

Happy World Music Day

I celebrate all the amazing artists out there who keep putting in the work, who keep pushing despite the odds and challenges.

The World Music day was created in 1982, with aim of celebrating , promoting and honoring both amateurs and professional musicians, making their music accessible to the public.

Our Government planned a grand event, giant concert with some incredible artist to commemorate to this day.

Artists were called upon to keep using their music as an instrument of peace and a means to sensitize the public so as to build a better nation by 2035.

We have others who think this day is not worth celebrating ,like the legendary Sergio Polo .

He was angry about the fact that artist are not supported in Cameroon by the government during their most challenging moments. Therefore no need to celebrate.

Sergio Polo remarks about mama Nguea’s illness and eventual death (may her soul R.I.P).

Looking at the fact that she did not get the help she needed or the treatment she deserved, emphasizing that he would not celebrate the day!

We got something Special!

But wait oh I think it’s not a bad idea to actually celebrate oh! We do have cause to celebrate!

Cameroonian artists are incredibly gifted ,the music industry is making baby positive steps in the right direction…

We not there yet, we still have a long way to go but at least we are not where we used to be.

Maybe we all should have a rethink, stop thinking only about ourselves, work in solidarity and love and actually do something worth celebrating!

Together we can move forward! if we practice the solidarity we preach. I think we can do it…it starts with me, with you and eventually, us!


#Happy Father’s day

#Happy World Music day

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