Trailers refer to short previews of a piece of content,, which demonstrates scenes and the general plot and mood of a piece of media, to garner interest

Memories are the the only evidence that something ever happened or existed ,whether virtual or real. It is something from the past, stored in your mind!

Wedding Bells Love in The Air Cameroonian female striker Jacquette Ada finds love in the arms of French National Jean Francois.

Love :Sparx The Virus. He who finds a wife finds a good thing! Sparx the virus makes big plans for his upcoming wedding anniversary.

A baby shower is a party of gift-giving or a ceremony that has different names in different cultures. In Cameroon it is locally called Born House

It is said the beauty of the world lies in the diverity of its people! Thats why Cameroon is called Africa Miniature!so many diffre t tribes with diferent cultures! Impossible to enjoy just one!mekde! And that is what makes us unique and amazing ..our differences when we come together!

Lately an amazing blogger Fabz Chi of KesaMag wrote an article on one of our most talented artist Mr Leo ,in regards to his choice to Leave Alpha Better records.Wherein he talked about the fact that Leo seems to be missing in action, cares less about branding,not putting in enough work, line the work,saying he needs to do more for his fans…

We all know that Tilla was once a NewBell Music artist and she was doing well. But due to reasons still unclear to us, she left the label and ever since that happened she has never say anything good about Jovi.

Ever Since her mega colab with the King Kong and her afrima award things, things seem to have come to a stand still when it comes to our star girl Montess also known as Queen kong.
She has been releasing sweet singles and projects but it is not getting the kind of attention it should be getting… or na ma eye???

Lately in my quest to bring hidden talent to the light I’ve had to ask myself a few questions. .such as..why would an amazing artist not shine (blow) as it is commonly called, or find themselves among the A-list artist as should be…

Jigi has expressed his disappointment at Mic Monsta, whom he accuses of haven stolen his song Johnny! As at now it is unclear as to who is at fault here and why.

Mami Bakala is NOT PREGNANT !! She is preparing her E.P which is why she has been so busy and unavailable. Mami Bakala is NOT PREGNANT !! She is preparing her E.P which is why she has been so busy and unavailable. Wuna see that e fat jaw and the way yi d shine and glow so..Na mummy E food d give that effect oh! Food feeding balanced meal!!

Lately an amazing blogger Fabz Chi of KesaMag wrote an article on one of our most talented artist Mr Leo ,in regards to his choice to Leave Alpha Better records.

Music and politics have had a long intimate connection over the years! Something most people try to deny as they dissociate themselves from anything that has to do with politics.

Richard Bona is an amazing artist with many trophies to his name…he is so bilingual it’s sexy! He sings in Douala, French , English etc. His love for his people is clear in his messages meanwhile, we know he has never been in accordance with the system of governance of his country Cameroon!..